Monday, May 28, 2012

Well here we are, May 28th; Memorial Day. Its been just over a year since I rebooted this blog, primarily as an internet diary of my exploits in the creation of the addition to my family's house. Its been an interesting year, that much is for sure. I have personally accomplished more in the past year that I have in most of the other 18 combined years of my life. I've set a few goals; completed some extraordinary feats (well, okay, not really, but, I did help build a house! That's got to count for something... right?), and achieved some things which, at the time, I thought were unlikely to happen.

During this past year, I have enrolled in college, seen the completion of the house project, completed the prerequisites and earned my driver's license, and am even running for public office! Its been a busy year, but as the Spring months quickly fade away and the blistering heat brings about the seemingly slower months of summer, it will only get busier.

Now that the quick summary (to the best of my knowledge at present) has been presented; moving along to current events. Nothing spectacular planned for the summer; I'm shuffling a couple side jobs, and, naturally am in the political race, we'll see how that goes. The addition is complete, as already mentioned. I'll try to get some pictures up in a bit.

Anyway. Yeah. Alot has changed over the past year, some good, some bad, but everything will work out in the end, it is God's great design, he has a plan for all of us, and everything has a reason. No event, good or bad, happens randomly.

This new year has been a little strange. The weather especially; a quick heat wave followed by a sheer frost, alot of crop damage. The damage will definatly be realized as the months wear on, and cached supplies start to run down. Sure seems the weather has stabilized now, though. Nothing but heat, heat, heat. Reminds me of Florida... just without the tropical breeze... or the palm trees... and the doughnuts.