Thursday, May 19, 2011

Got the base framework for the first floor done today, well, for the most part. Progress drasticly decreased as the hours waned into the afternoon, with the sun finally emerging from behind the greyscale clouds. Under nromal conditions it would be a welcome sight... but due to the high amounts of rain we've been experiencing lately, it just caused a really high humidity level which was rather uncomfortable to work in (hehe, I was away for most of the afternoon work). Even with the majority of the work crew splitting up between 1 -2 P.M., the remaining staff still managed to toss up a couple
wall sections.

By the end of the day, a dense, yet somewhat cool mist was drifting into our neck of the woods at a rate at which native Floridians might find alarming. With it brought a cool breeze and the satisfaction of a job well-done... well, for now anyway.

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